Brett Group COVID-19 Risk Assessment - May 2020
Site/Department: Robert Brett & Sons Ltd
Risk Assessment No: COVID19 0520
Assessment Name: COVID-19 Risk Assessment
Date: May 2020 Review Date: Jun-20
Who is at Risk? Employees, visitors and contractors
Task/Activity Description: Operating the business while reducing the risk of spreading the COVID-19 virus
Reference Documents: HM Government Guidance Documents - Working safely during COVID-19 11 May 2020
Task /Activity | Main Type of control measure | Control measures to reduce the risk of COVID-19 |
Employees attending work | Social Distancing | The company will make every effort to enable working from home where possible. Anyone attending a Brett site is encouraged to follow the Governments guidelines on travel. |
More than one person attending a site at a time | Social Distancing | Every reasonable effort will be made to comply with the Governments guidelines on social distancing (keeping people 2m apart wherever possible), as described below and in site specific risk assessments |
Good Hygiene | To reduce the risk of surface spread of COVID-19 hand cleaning stations and equipment cleaning materials will be available at appropriate places and cleaning frequencies as described below and in the site specific risk assessments | |
Occasions when social distancing cannot be followed due to the task being performed | Hierarchy of control | Consider if the activities needs to take place. If it does, carry out a specific risk assessment of the task insuring the activity time involved is as short as possible; use of fixed teams wherever suitable, use of any additional PPE |
People arriving & leaving work | Social Distancing | Reduce the number of people using the entry point at one time by implementing staggered arrival/departure times. |
Good Hygiene | Provide hand cleaning / sanitising facilities at entry and exit points | |
People moving around sites | Social Distancing | Discourage non-essential trips, introduce one-way flow through buildings where feasible and passing etiquettes where required. Improved visibility in corridors and rooms via glass panels in doors and mirrors where appropriate. |
Workstations and workplaces | Social Distancing | Reduce number of people sharing workstations to a minimum. Distance between workplaces in line with social distancing guidelines wherever possible or other control measures in place such as screens |
Good Hygiene | Workstations to be cleaned at minimum start and end of shifts | |
Mobile Plant | Social Distancing | Keep the number of different people using a vehicle to a minimum |
Good Hygiene | Contact points on a vehicle to be cleaned at minimum start and end of shift or at any hand over | |
Meetings | Social Distancing | Reduce number of people attending meetings in person by using remote working tools. Where possible, meetings will be held outside or in large indoor spaces. Meeting rooms to have maximum capacity to allow 2m separation. Hand sanitiser available in meeting rooms. |
Good Hygiene | Hand sanitiser available in meeting rooms. To reduce contamination all spaces used for meetings will be well ventilated. | |
Common areas | Social Distancing | Break times to be staggered to limit numbers to enable social distancing. Seating positioned arranged to follow social distancing guidelines or other control measures in use such as screens |
Good Hygiene | Hand cleaning / sanitising station available at entrance. Area to be left clean and tidy after use. | |
Accidents, security & other incidents | Good Hygiene | Normal safety rules apply if an evacuation is required. First aiders will use PPE where suitable and sanitise properly immediately afterwards, including washing hands |
Visitors & contractors to site / Contact with other people | Social Distancing | Only essential visitors/contractors will be allowed to site and must be pre-booked to allow for suitable preparations to be implemented. |
Cleaning the workplace | Good Hygiene | Cleaning frequencies established based on usage, location and contamination potential to reduce the risk of spreading the virus |
Communication | Communication | Signs, posters and training used to ensure everyone entering site is aware of our control measures. Employees encouraged to give feedback on control measures. Company maintaining contact with people working at home |
Training | All personnel, contractors and visitors attending site will be trained in the appropriate Covid-19 control measures. Employees will receive regular refresher training. | |
Receiving goods on site /collections at our sites | Social Distancing | Our drivers and customers will follow Brett Covid-19 control measures. Specific loading and delivery protocols / rules for both Brett loading and receipt of goods will be developed at business / site level. Social distancing marking / signage / separation screens will be installed as appropriate |
Good Hygiene | Sanitising stations installed at appropriate places to maintain good hygiene. | |
Delivering our products to customers | Social Distancing | Our drivers will follow relevant site rules providing it does not put them at increased risk. Reduction in need for signing tickets with several customer agreements in place, reducing the need for driver to exit cab onsite. |
Good Hygiene | Our drivers are issued with suitable PPE and sanitising materials to enable good hygiene |