Brett 110 - All Hands On Deck At Charity's New School
Caitlin McGhee, Lucy Thomas, Emma Wilson (Credit Control, Robert Brett House), Claire Dooley (Reception, Robert Brett House) and Hannah Ferry (Internal Sales, Brett Aggregates) recently spent the day volunteering for Louie’s Helping Hands charity in Kent.
The charity was set up to help improve the lives and futures of children, aged 2-11 living in Kent and the South East with multi-sensory impairments and physical difficulties by providing support for them and their families, and their most recent project was to build a brand new special needs school at Quex Park near Manston.
The new Llewellyn School and Nursery will provide much-needed social and developmental activities to support disabled children to attend school and offer siblings activities allowing the staff to support the wider family.
The Brett volunteers spent the day making the garden ready for the opening of the school on 9th September. Tasks included scrubbing the decking, washing the furniture and removing the stinging nettles and thistles which was no small job!
Emma commented “We even had the help of two donkeys who were busy munching away on the grass and coming up to investigate what we were doing every now and again.”
Well done to everyone involved!